Burmese Topaz - click here

Burmese light cinnamon and yellow brown to tawny Topaz is one of the most beautiful stones around.

A high refractive index with top class cutting make these stones stand out from anything else in a cabinet. These topaz are a favourite of mine and I will be looking for more when I go to Burma in January

Very under appreciated and with much more flash than white or blue topaz these stones are very reasonably priced. The 300+ carat stone on the site is truly magnificent while the 30-60ct stones are equally stunning.

If you haven't got a light coloured Burmese topaz you are missing a special stone.

Last blue Amblygonite - read here

I have only one more blue Amblygonite left and there will not be any more.

This is very rare and I don't know of any other stones of this colour. I originally bought three cut stones from one piece of rough in Bangkok many years ago and none has come onto the market since. Best to grab this rarity while you can.

I have not increased the price on this last stone as others would so it is a good buy